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Introducing Crunch: Our Top 5 Tips for Starting Your Hospitality Business

So, you’re finally living that dream of launching a new cafe, new restaurant, or hospo start-up? First off, welcome to the wild and rewarding world of hospo.

We get it. Entering the hospitality industry is equal parts exciting and challenging. But building your dream business from the ground up is no walk in the park (although we wish it was).

That’s where Crunch comes in.

We’re a proud sister brand to Fine Food Australia, cooked up by a team of well-seasoned pros who’ve seen it all in the hospitality space. Yes, we live and breathe (and eat!) food, coffee, and everything in-between, but we’re also passionate about simplifying the process of getting your dream hospitality venue off the ground and helping you nail the business side of things, minus the jargon.

Our goal is to give you practical advice and insights to help you feel confident every step of the way, with an app that provides 24/7 access to just-in-time training, expert-led masterclasses, and a like-minded community of individuals in your exact position who just get it. With Crunch, it’s easy to quickly find answers to your most pressing concerns, whether money, time or team-related.

So, we’re assuming you’ve landed here because you’re in the process of launching your very own hospo start-up and are in need of some quick tips to help you get started. While it’s important to remember that every hospo journey is different, there are a few key things every hospo business owner can do before they start to invest their time and money into the BIG things.

Here are our top five tips to make sure your cafe or restaurant launch is a raging success.

1. Create a solid business plan

Let’s start with the non-negotiable: a business plan. It’s your roadmap, your foundation, and your secret weapon to starting on the right foot. Yes, it might sound a little serious, but trust us, even the coolest new cafe needs a solid foundation.

Your business plan should cover everything from your brand’s vision and mission to your financial projections, target audience, and marketing strategy. It’s your first step towards building a strong, resilient foundation that can weather any storm — or rush hour coffee run.

Don’t be afraid to dream big, but keep your plan grounded in reality. Use your vision to fuel your passion, but make sure you’ve got the practical steps in place to get there.

2. Pick the right spot

Whether you’re setting up shop in a quaint Melbourne laneway or on the bustling streets of Bondi, finding the right spot can make or break your business. It’s not just about foot traffic (though that’s super important) – you need to consider your target food and drink fanatics, the vibe of the neighbourhood, nearby competition, and even future growth potential.

Is your dream venue a hole-in-the-wall cafe tucked into a trendy laneway? Or a slick new restaurant on a busy high street? Your location should align with your business. There’s no use setting yourself up in a spot that just doesn’t suit.

Our top tip? Visit potential spots at different times of day to get the full experience of the location, and always consider what the area will look like in a few years.

3. Get your branding and marketing right

Your brand is more than just a logo or fun name, though they are important. It’s your story, your personality, and how you want your customers to feel when they walk through your doors. New cafes and restaurants are popping up daily, so strong branding can help you stand out from the crowd.

While it can be tempting to get your neighbour’s daughter’s boyfriend to whack a brand identity together on Canva and start posting on Instagram for you, there are some things that are better left with the experts. Partnering up with a marketing professional (or an agency, if budget permits) will help you create a consistent brand and killer social media presence.

And don’t underestimate the power of local community engagement. Word of mouth is still one of the best marketing tools in hospitality, so build relationships with locals, other business owners, and maybe even some content creators who align with your brand.

4. Build a high-performing team

Your business is only as good as the people running it. Your team is the heart of your business: they’re the ones interacting with customers, creating the experience, and turning your vision into reality. So, it’s essential to hire people who not only have the skills but also align with your culture and how you want to be perceived.

Take the time to invest in training and creating a positive workplace. A happy team leads to happy customers, and in the hospo world, that’s gold.

Be clear about your expectations from the get-go. Transparent communication and a supportive work environment will go a long way in building a loyal, passionate team that’s as committed to your success as you are.

5. Set a realistic budget

Finally, let’s talk numbers. Your budget is one of the most crucial aspects of launching your new restaurant or cafe. From renovations and equipment to stock, staffing, and technology (hello, POS systems), there are plenty of expenses to consider.

Creating a realistic budget ensures that you’re not caught off guard by unexpected costs. While budgeting might not be the most glamorous part of starting a new business, it’s essential for your long-term success.

And remember, don’t skimp on quality. Yes, it’s important to be cost-conscious, but investing in high-quality equipment, software, and staff will pay off in the long run. 

Opening a new business is an exciting step. But it’s also one that requires planning, focus, and a solid support system. At Crunch, we’re here to help you simplify the process, grow with confidence, and focus on what you do best — creating memorable hospitality experiences for your customers.

Whether you’re at the planning stage, are about to launch, or feel like it’s time to revisit your foundations to ensure everything is set up perfectly, our app is designed to provide you with practical advice and bite-sized strategies that’ll guide you every step of the way.

Ready to try Crunch? Enjoy a free 14 day trial and explore everything Crunch offers — on us! Start your free 14 day trial.

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