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Insights from Melbourne.

After spending a week in Melbourne and helping to launch Crunch at Fine Food, here are some key insights that can drive success in the food and beverage industry:

Technology: The Backbone of Performance and Profitability

Leveraging the right technology is crucial for enhancing performance and profitability in your F&B business. Choose systems that not only meet your needs but also offer seamless integration. Opt for solutions that come highly recommended by industry experts and have a strong track record among other successful businesses.

People & Culture: The Heart of Great Service

One thing that stood out during our visits to various cafés and restaurants was this: where the service was outstanding, the culture was even better. You could see it in the way staff interacted—they supported each other, showed genuine care, and worked as a cohesive team. Building a positive culture isn’t just good for morale; it’s good for business.

Money: The Tough Conversations Matter

The most attended sessions at Fine Food were about one thing: money. Many F&B businesses are facing financial struggles. If your profit margin isn’t in double digits, it’s time to look inward. Often, the answers are not external. Start with managing your cost of goods—an area often overlooked, with only about 3% of the industry really paying attention. Keep an eye on wages, especially if sales are down, and focus on the quality of your food, beverage, service, and hospitality. Happy customers become loyal fans, driving repeat business faster than any marketing effort can.

Reviews Matter: Trust the Voice of the Industry

When it came to choosing where to dine, we turned to referrals from industry friends in Melbourne and online reviews. Google reviews played a significant role in our decision-making process. This is a reminder that word-of-mouth and online presence are powerful influencers in today’s market. Ensuring your business is highly recommended and well-reviewed can directly impact your foot traffic and reputation.

Summary: Great Hospitality & Service is the Secret Ingredient

Great hospitality and service are like salt and pepper—they make everything taste better. We had some fantastic food—it is Melbourne, after all—but it’s the people and their personalities that left a lasting impression. It’s not just about the meal; it’s the welcoming smiles, the attentive service, and the genuine warmth that we remember most when we look back on our time in Melbourne. Investing in people and culture will always be a winning recipe.

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